KCOM - The Power Is All Yours Campaign


What We Did

Colour Grading
Colour Grading
Video Production
Video Production


  • 1 x 30s TVC
  • 1 x 30s Cinema Ad
  • 3 x 7-15s Socials (6 total)
  • 1 x 10s Video - GemTower
  • Stills for 3 KVS
  • Complete pre-production, production, post-production, and VFX services

The Brief

We partnered with Ponderosa and KCOM to produce their 2024 above-the-line commercial, highlighting KCOM’s commitment to providing premium broadband services. The creative narrative centred around three main characters, each representing a superpower enabled by KCOM’s network. Our expertise in VFX and robotic camera work brought these superpowers to life, delivering a dynamic and visually stunning story that showcased KCOM’s benefits. Three teams worked in harmony, a collaboration of expertise from Ponderosa, KCOM, and Tungsten Media. We picked up everything from casting to the director alignment, through building amazing custom orange sets, filming using hybrid robotics, phones, and cinema rigs together, and all of the post-production and VFX, to deliver a compelling and high-unique piece. This was a monster project all shot entirely in our studios, using more tricks and techniques than you could shack a stick at. We utilised a whole host of robotics and motion control technology, which massively helped across our post & VFX pipeline. Great team and a great output as a result.

End-to-End Production
End-to-End Production
On Set In Our Studio
On Set In Our Studio
RED Cinema Camera
RED Cinema Camera
Cinebot Camera Arm
Cinebot Camera Arm

Creative & Production

The KCOM project was a beast. We had multiple different locations, shooting technologies, and representative styles.

We shot social, cinema, OOH, and digital content through the line - all collected together in a single shooting window.

This involved comprehensive pre-production logistics and planning. We used Autodesk Maya to pre-visualise each set, the choreography of cast movement, and precise camera movements. This visualisation allowed us to test and refine our shots at the storyboard phase, providing the creatives and art department with a clear preview of what was in shot, and for how long!

The production phase combined high-energy handheld shots with repeatable motion control movements, to give the sense that KCOM was integral and integrated throughout their home. We were calling out specific personas of demographic desire by mixing gamer visuals, with streaming visuals, with TikTok trends!

These variable personalities in the scenes, meant that lighting was key to bringing the different visual styles back into unison. Strong backlighting and key lighting were employed to create a semi-hyper-realistic world, resulting in uniformity across a dynamic and engaging visual experience.


Post-production was driven by our detailed animatic, which closely guided the final edit and minimised revisions. Where we spent most of the time was in visual effects.

We incorporated visual effects across just about every scene, from camera shake, lightning bolts, facial filters, holograms, to lens flares. This careful attention to detail ensured that each element contributed effectively to the overall narrative and aesthetic. We’re really proud of the output - the VFX bring the different stories together in a uniquely KCOM way.

Analytics & Impact

The campaign had a huge delivery matrix, including TVC, social, out-of-home, cinema, bus sides, and digital displays across Hull. KCOM is always a targeted deployment strategy (Hull), so our mission is to effectively boost KCOM's visibility and saturation of digital and physical media to reinforce their position as a premium broadband provider.